Medio Ambiente Garciden Atún

In Garciden we do not understand the future if it is not sustainable and this commitment must also be transversal, covering as many possible objectives as we can ultimately consider as linked to the improvement of our surroundings and natural spaces. Because the the future of our companies depends directly on the responsible use of natural resources, we reiterate our environmental commitment by developing different initiatives.


  • Continuous investment in the study and incorporation of cleaner technologies.
  • Recycling and reuse of all waste, plastics and paper generated by our activity, as well as controlling the water management of all our facilities.
  • Collaboration and generation of educational programs regarding the use of environments and resources.
  • Constant commitment in the involvement and selection of collaborators.
  • Star-up of renewable energy production systems: solar photovoltaic for the supply of installations and systems.


Salud - Garciden Atún

We prove our commitment to food safety and improvement of the standard of living, through the collaboration in various studies related to the protection of health through responsible consumption of the products we sell.


  • We work closely with the UCAM in a research study related to the formation of Histamine..


Educación - Garciden Atún

Education has a special role in society and in the future, Education has a special role in society and in the future.


  • Collaboration with different associations.
  • Participation in talks/conferences


Social - Garciden Atún

Our main social commitment is to promote environmental awareness and encourage collaboration with associations that help in these tasks. Our role in collaborations is mainly focused on providing all those means that are in our hands to ensure that their objectives are met.


  • We actively collaborate with AVOI, Association of Volunteers of Children’s Oncology.
  • Collection of all our bottle capsin all our facilities. Nowadays we have managed to collect about 700 kg.
  • Donation of fish for the AVOI solidary stand at the Malaga fair.
  • Donation of fish for the La caleta de Velez..
  • Cycling team sponsorship..
  • Collaboration with the Sports Club of Vera.
  • Sponsorship to Mónica Sánchez: we promote equality in the world of motorcycling.